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Against Humanity, V7 – Poudre Canyon, CO

Against Humanity is probably one of the best climbs in the Poudre. Erica does a great job of the top, pressing out before latching the lip.

  • Start matched anywhere on the left facing side pull and left foot posted straight out (right hand is positioned as a gaston)
  • Left hand moves up to the rail
  • Switch feet and jam a left knee bar and get a right toe hook directly under the left knee (very important)
  • Right hand moves to gaston
  • Stay tight and cut feet to place left foot on top of starting hold
  • Left hand moves above the right hand and bumps to good incut, right hand matches
  • Right foot moves to right rail, and left foot moves to left rail for a drop knee
  • Drop knee left to go to the left hand pinch
  • Move right foot high on incut crimp and press out with right hand as far as possible before latching the lip.
  • Bump right hand to the righter most part of the lip and match.
  • Left foot high and go left hand to jug (blind)
  • Right foot moves out right for the right hand jug move (also blind)

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